Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What It Takes To Succeed In Your Mlm/Home-Based Business

A great number of people join a Mlm company or a Home based business looking for an additional source of income. Many who start this type of business have no idea what is required in order to be successful and often expect to earn a sizeable income in a short space of time. It is no secret then that a great number of them fail (97%) in their Mlm/Home Based Business. The main reason for their failure is due to their mindset. If you do not have the right mindset then you are doomed to join the 97% who fail. Having the right mindset is crucial to you succeeding in your home based business. I have listed below the qualities of someone who has the right mindset.

• Commitment. In order to be committed you must first have a dream or a vision and you must completely commit yourself to it’s fulfillment. In other words you must be able to bind yourself either emotionally or intellectually to a course of action that would take you towards your dream.

• Persistence. This is the act of never giving up or refusing to give up when faced with opposition, difficulties and obstacles. The easiest thing to do is quit when faced with challenges, being persistent will drive you to stick with it thus bringing you closer to your goals and dreams.

• Flexibility. This is the ability to adapt or respond to changes. If you continue to do what you have always done, then you will get what you have always gotten. To get greater benefits in the future you’ll need to change what you’re doing in the present to produce the results.

• Faith. It‘s that deep down belief that regardless of what you are going to make it. You are going to achieve what you have set out to accomplish. Others have made it and so can you, stay positive and believe that it can happen. There are many people who tell you that you will never or simply cannot achieve your dreams these are the people who once had a dream but have now settled for something less.

• Passion. This is your heart’s true desire or deepest desire of your heart which has a strong devotion to a cause, ideal or goal in this case to succeed in your mlm/ home based business. Deep within your heart you should have the desire which you will pursue to bring happiness, success and fulfillment that you desire. Finding your passion is to identify your unique purpose in life and to live your passion is to achieve the deepest desire of your heart.

Success in your mlm/home based business does not only depend on whether the compensation plan is the best or if it’s the best business opportunity. Even if your mentor or coach gives you the training that is necessary to succeed the key factor is you and your mindset if it’s not right then you are on a fast track to disappointment and failure. So having the right mindset will allow you to achieve all your goals and dreams and be one of the 3% who are successful.

MLM Leads

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Where To Send Your Traffic

Now that you know how to drive quality traffic where do you send it? You want to send your traffic to a website that will capture some sort of information from your visitors because you need to have a way of following up with that visitor.

It’s no use sending all of your traffic to an information website or a replicated corporate website that’s just going to give your prospect a bunch of information, you need to have a way of tracking who visits your website and out of those visitors who are the ones interested in what you have to offer and a way to follow up with those visitors.

This is where a lead capture page or landing page is used to capture the name, email and sometimes phone number of the visitor on your website. This information forms a database that allows you to follow up with these visitors and that is called building your list of cold prospects.

The information is entered in your email auto responder and they get automatic email messages sent to them on a regular basis that communicate with them. Here is where you begin to build a relationship with your prospects by teaching or giving them something of value that can make a meaningful change in their life. They will begin to know and trust you and see what you have to offer and more willing to follow you by either signing up in you home based business opportunity or becoming your loyal customers.

So Lead capture pages or Landing pages have a job, they greet your website visitors introduce you and your home based business and invite them to continue a relationship with you. (They started the relationship when they clicked to your lead capture page.). Therefore all your traffic should be directed to this page because the keys to success in your home based business is building a list and building a relationship with the people on that list.

Turn One-Time Visitors Into Active Subscribers with AWeber Email Marketing

Tips On How To Drive More Traffic And Generate More Free Leads For Your Home Based Business

These few tips that I’m about to share can be of great benefit to all those who own a home-based business. The most important aspect of your business is marketing and all your efforts should be to drive traffic and generate leads for your home based business. Now there are different ways in which this can be accomplished listed here are some of the free methods used by the top earners to drive traffic and generate leads for their home based business.

Tip #1. Social Networking. On the Internet social networking is about meeting and networking with other professionals, entrepreneurs, home business owners and sharing information, tips, strategies and opportunities. By using these social networking sites and introducing yourself to the individuals in these communities you are meeting exactly the type of people that are interested in what you do and the type of people you want to work with. This is your target market and one of the most effective free marketing strategies to attract high quality people to your team.

Tip #2. Forum Marketing. This is a great way to drive traffic to your website visit these online forums and post some of your ideas and opinions that educate members, while branding you as a professional marketer at the same time. It will give you a chance to put your links in your signature line. This will get you that much needed traffic from forum members. However, it is important to have a captivating signature line, this will attract forum members. If you manage to attract them, then they will visit your website.

Tip #3. Article Marketing. This form of marketing is where you write articles that are rich in content and value. Your reader will view you as an expert or an authority on your subject matter. Showering prospects with free content that brings enormous value to their lives before you allow them to ever purchase from you

Tip #4. Blogging. You can introduce a large pool of potential readers to your home based business and drive traffic to your website by starting your own business blog. The most successful blogs offer interesting, newsworthy content and gives customers a reason to visit your website regularly, even between purchases. When you're creating your blog, keep in mind you want to draw readers in the first time and give them a reason to keep coming back.

Tip #5. Video Marketing. Video sharing sites (YouTube, Metacafe etc) are of course like having your very own television station, the ultimate form of mass communication because it combines the power of visual and audio. And just like having a blog, it’s totally up to you when you want to broadcast your message, how often you want to do them, and how long or short you want them to be. Oh, and it’s free.

Now there are many other ways in which you can drive quality traffic and generate more leads for your home based business. But these are a few of my recommendation if you are on a budget. So now that you know get started right away and start implementing these tips and you will be on your way to achieving success.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

MLM Business Owners 4 Major Obstacles

Everyday thousands of people browse the Internet searching for an mlm business opportunity that can change their financial status. Those who find such an opportunity figure their journey to financial freedom has begun. They are filled with excitement and hope that their mlm business would soon turn their dreams into a reality, but realize that the following four obstacles stand in their way.

1. Lack of leads. – In the traditional way of building an mlm business you are taught to make a list of all family and friends know as your warm list and a cold list containing a list of names of opportunity seekers that can be purchased. Pretty soon these leads are exhausted with little or nothing to show for your efforts. This certainly can lead to frustration.
2. Lack of money. – In the first place your reason for starting an mlm business is to make money period. If you are spending more money than you are making then you are on a fast track to failure.
3. Lack of Internet marketing training. - This is the most important aspect in marketing your mlm business and close attention should be paid. The training that you receive will determine whether you succeed in you mlm business or not.
4. Lack of duplication. - Your new distributors are not able to duplicate your actions either because of lack of motivation, confidence and lack of proper training. This will eventually lead to new distributors becoming frustrated and quitting.

It is obvious that these four (4) major obstacles account for 95% of the failure in Mlm/network marketing. The solution to this is you must be able to generate quality leads on a consistent basis, as this is the lifeline of your business. You must be able to generate cash from these quality leads that say no to your business opportunity, and this is done through affiliate programs. Educate yourself on the marketing strategies used in Internet marketing. There are resource tools that are available that teaches you the right marketing strategies for the Internet. Once you acquire the marketing training you can then train you new distributors with the most effective strategies, which will build your downlines and increase retention.

The keys to success are now in your hands you must be motivated, focused, disciplined and willing to work hard and smart in order to achieve your ultimate dream, financial freedom.

Attraction Marketing System

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Health and Wealth Choices

Physical health is the overall condition of a living organism at a given time, the soundness of the body, freedom from disease or abnormality, and the condition of optimal well being.

In popular usage, wealth can be described as an abundance of items of economic value, or the state of controlling or possessing such items, usually in the form of money, real estate and personal property.

Everyone is trying their best to achieve as much monetary strength as they can, by going to their 9 to 5, even if they are sick or working their home based business day and night.
What is the use of such money, when you aren't able to enjoy life properly?

With increasing work pressures and busy lifestyles, we often fail to pay attention to our body's health and fitness needs. This is when illnesses take over and lead to poor health and fatigue.

If we chose to work day and night and earn loads of money, and then spend that money again to try and eliminate the illness and harm which we had done to our body during that time, we are at a clear loss. A healthy body will lead to a healthy mind and a healthy life.
I think it is high time that all of us should decide our priorities is it to earn money and

- live a life of medicines
- live a healthy and successful life

The choice is and will always be yours, please choose wisely as this will not only affect you, but also to your family.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Studies Involving Transfer Factors

Usage of transfer factors in treatment of HIV-Infected Patients
Granitov V.M., Karbysheva N.V., Sultanov L.V., McCausland C., and Oganova E.
The Altay State Medical University;
The Altay Regional Center for Prophylaxis and Treatment of AIDS, Russian Federation

INTRODUCTION: Included in this study were 25 HIV-infected patients (20 male and 5 female), ages 19 to 56 (15 patients ages 21-25). Individuals were classified according to V.I. Pokrovsky’s classification (1989) for HIV-infection. Eight (8) patients were diagnosed to have stage 2B, thirteen (13) patients were stage 2C, three (3) patients were stage 3A and one (1) was stage 3B. Infection periods were as follows: nine (9) patients were infected 1 year ago, four (4) were 2 years ago, four (4) were three years ago, six (6) were 5 years ago and two (2) were 6 years ago.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to serve as an initial trial in evaluating the effects of enhanced transfer factors supplementation on HIV-infected patients.

METHODOLOGY: The experimental group (15 patients), who did not receive antiretroviral or immuno-correcting therapy, received enhanced transfer factors provided by 4Life Research, USA. They were administered one capsule twice a day for 7 days. The control group (10 patients) consisted of HIV-infected patients taking cycloferon in the following dosage schedule: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th days. Before treatment and 7 to 10 days after the treatment an evaluation was carried out to access the immune status of the patient groups and to determine cytokine (interleukin 1b (IL-1b), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) and g-interferon (IFN-g) levels.

RESULTS: In the experimental group, it was found that after treatment with enhanced transfer factors there was an increase of lymphocytes in 13 patients, an in crease of CD3 cells in 15 patients, an increase of CD4 cells in 14 patients and an increase in CD8 cells in 12 patients. Immuno-regulating index (IRI) persisted on the same level in 3 patients was increased in 10 patients and decreased in 7 patients. IgG was reduced in 16 patients and IgM was within normal limits in all patients. An increase of IL-1b and IFN-7 was noted in all patients treated with transfer factors. Circulating Immune Complex (CIC) levels dropped to normal levels in 10 of the patients. In the control group an increase of lymphocytes was noted in only 3 patients. A decrease of CD3, CD4 and CD8 cells was noted in 6 patients. IRI persisted on the same level or decreased. CIC levels dropped to normal in 3 patients, increased in 6 patients, there was no change in 1 patient. The occurrence of increases and decreases of IgG were equal.

CONCLUSION: We conclude that transfer factors therapy considerably improves the immune status of HIV-infected patients and can be recommended in combating the pathogenesis of the disease. Further studies are needed to determine optimal therapy, the necessity to repeat courses of the treatment and the frequency of therapy needed.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is provided for educational purposes only. We strongly suggest that you do not construe the information on this site as suggesting that Transfer Factor, Transfer Factor Plus or any other nutrient can prevent or cure a disease. We do not have enough proof to make that claim. If you are ill we strongly suggest that you consult a medical doctor. According to FDA guidelines, there would have to be a great deal more research on these products to know its long-term effect on disease.

Attraction Marketing System

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Science Behind Transfer Factors

Transfer Factor is based on the unification of 50 years of stair step science along with the breakthrough of a new class of immune modulation. Dr. Sherwood Lawrence first discovered transfer factors in 1949. He discovered that he could transfer immune response from one patient to another. He learned that he could extract white blood cells from a patent that had recovered from a disease or illness and reintroduce it into a patient who was currently suffering from the same disease or illness. When he did this, there was a transfer of immunity to the recipient's immune system. From there, dedicated clinicians, scientist, and researchers from around the world analyzed transfer factors to discover its various applications. Eventually, researchers from more than 70 countries studied the benefits of transfer factors, which resulted in more than 3000 medical papers and clinical abstracts published documenting the widespread benefits and safety of transfer factor. This resulted in over 40 million in research.

The original formulation of Transfer Factor PlusÔ was proven to be extremely effective by increasing natural killer cell (cancer killers) function by an unsurpassed 247% over baseline. Recently, scientists discovered that Transfer Factor actually improved the efficiency of antioxidants within the body and reduced oxidation at the cellular level by 43%, as well as increasing the stability of proteins throughout our entire body by 18%. An independent laboratory tested over 196 of the world's most effective products and nutrients and TF it was found to be more than 500% more effective than even the closest competitor. Our Research and Development Department then developed Transfer Factor Plus Advanced formula, which increased immune response to 437%. Heralded as the only known substance ever discovered that actually educates your immune system to recognize, respond, and remember impending threats, equaled only by the actual exposure to deadly viruses, bacteria, or vaccinations. TF represents an entirely new class of immune support by providing both suppression and stimulation through instruction.

Obtaining a pure transfer factor isolate is now possible through the perfection of a patented extraction process that has been in the works for years. Unlike herbs like Echinacea or vitamins and minerals, these factors belong to a completely different category of dietary supplementation an innovative and novel category.

4Life Research is the world's first and foremost researcher, developer, and marketer of Transfer Factor and Transfer Factor immune support products, and currently holds hundreds of exclusive use patents on these products and processes from which they are derived. This further secures 4Life's position as the leader in the health and wellness industry, further assuring that their products remain unrivaled for a very long time to come. Science is currently progressing so rapidly because of 4Life Research that more has been learned about transfer factors in the past 7 years than in the previous 50. Transfer factors are entirely safe and 100% non-toxic, with no risk, side effects, or drug interaction.

Researchers at the Conrad D. Stephenson Laboratory for research in Immunology in Denver Colorado, who worked with people with immune weaknesses, have stated, "Transfer Factors appear to offer a novel means of molecular immunotherapy for certain patients with defective cell- mediated immunity."

Imagine an immune system alert enough to rapidly detect the presence of threatening infections and eradicate it before it has a chance to do real harm. Transfer factor can make this scenario possible through its superb ability to develop a strong immune response.

 Eat right, live right and stay healthy.





What are Transfer Factors???

Transfer factors are memory molecules within our body that recognize, remember and respond to harmful threats that enter our bodies. To illustrate, when a virus, bacteria, or germ enters the body, the immune system scouts will encounter the invader, gather information, and name the threat. These scouts then report back to the transfer factor molecules that will then compare this information to existing profiles and data on identified attackers from previous attacks. At this stage, the invading threat will fall into one of two categories. The TF molecules will either label it as an unidentified threat (one never encountered before) or an identified threat (one that it recognizes from a previous encounter). If TF labels the invading entity as an unidentified invader, it will then compare the name and data on the invader with its database of known invaders in an attempt to identify the characteristics and similarities of the unknown invader. Transfer factors will then formulate, coordinate, and order the best defense and the most effective plan of attack. Because transfer factors are the regulator of our entire immune system, they have the entire immune system’s arsenal available to achieve their directive.

Once the threat has been eradicated, scouts will then report back to the transfer factor molecules what transpired and how the threat was eventually eliminated. The transfer factor molecules then call for a cease-fire by stimulating the suppressor cells into the battlefield to remove the combat cells from the battle. TF then categorizes the invading entity along with the formula for its destruction for future encounters. During a secondary immune response, when called upon, the transfer factor molecules now have the profile of the invader and its weaknesses and how to destroy it from the previous encounter.

Chickenpox is a perfect example of this process. The first time we encounter this virus, our immune system does not recognize the threat. It has to guess and try a variety of attacks before it eventually destroys it. After that first encounter, any future exposure results in it’s immediate eradication.

“Transfer factors are the most promising breakthrough in healthcare discovered in the past several decades. We are just beginning to explore all of the potential of transfer factors. Nutraceuticals like TF are the wave of the future.” -Dr. Victor Tutelian, MD, MPH

“I believe transfer factors are, without a doubt, the greatest discovery of the century in supporting and modulating the immune system. I believe a strengthened immune system will be the primary way to stay well in the future. This nutrient can affect the immune system like nothing else can. I sincerely believe everyone needs to consume this product.” - Rob Robertson, MD

“Transfer factors are the most exciting discovery in immunology. As the 21st century unfolds, transfer factors will be one of our greatest keys to health and well being.” - William Hennen, PhD

“There is no other product in a nutritional substance, NOR a drug, that has this kind of power and ability to affect our immune system as transfer factors. With the increase of killer viruses, mutated germs, super-resistant germs, and food contaminations, our only hope and defense must lie within our own immune system.” -Darryl See, MD

“As a medical professional and pharmacist, I have been exposed to a great number of medical drugs and nutrients. I am convinced that the benefits produced by Transfer Factor and Transfer Factor Plus far exceed any substance that I have ever been exposed to. I have assumed the mission to take this to the world. Everyone should be on these products.” - Bob Kononiuk, RPh

The key to future health and well being is to strengthen our immune defenses. Before we do anything we should target immunity. So before you take a whole host of supplements to enhance your health begin with immune support.