1. Lack of leads. – In the traditional way of building an mlm business you are taught to make a list of all family and friends know as your warm list and a cold list containing a list of names of opportunity seekers that can be purchased. Pretty soon these leads are exhausted with little or nothing to show for your efforts. This certainly can lead to frustration.
2. Lack of money. – In the first place your reason for starting an mlm business is to make money period. If you are spending more money than you are making then you are on a fast track to failure.
3. Lack of Internet marketing training. - This is the most important aspect in marketing your mlm business and close attention should be paid. The training that you receive will determine whether you succeed in you mlm business or not.
4. Lack of duplication. - Your new distributors are not able to duplicate your actions either because of lack of motivation, confidence and lack of proper training. This will eventually lead to new distributors becoming frustrated and quitting.
It is obvious that these four (4) major obstacles account for 95% of the failure in Mlm/network marketing. The solution to this is you must be able to generate quality leads on a consistent basis, as this is the lifeline of your business. You must be able to generate cash from these quality leads that say no to your business opportunity, and this is done through affiliate programs. Educate yourself on the marketing strategies used in Internet marketing. There are resource tools that are available that teaches you the right marketing strategies for the Internet. Once you acquire the marketing training you can then train you new distributors with the most effective strategies, which will build your downlines and increase retention.
The keys to success are now in your hands you must be motivated, focused, disciplined and willing to work hard and smart in order to achieve your ultimate dream, financial freedom.
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