Friday, January 23, 2009

The Science Behind Transfer Factors

Transfer Factor is based on the unification of 50 years of stair step science along with the breakthrough of a new class of immune modulation. Dr. Sherwood Lawrence first discovered transfer factors in 1949. He discovered that he could transfer immune response from one patient to another. He learned that he could extract white blood cells from a patent that had recovered from a disease or illness and reintroduce it into a patient who was currently suffering from the same disease or illness. When he did this, there was a transfer of immunity to the recipient's immune system. From there, dedicated clinicians, scientist, and researchers from around the world analyzed transfer factors to discover its various applications. Eventually, researchers from more than 70 countries studied the benefits of transfer factors, which resulted in more than 3000 medical papers and clinical abstracts published documenting the widespread benefits and safety of transfer factor. This resulted in over 40 million in research.

The original formulation of Transfer Factor PlusÔ was proven to be extremely effective by increasing natural killer cell (cancer killers) function by an unsurpassed 247% over baseline. Recently, scientists discovered that Transfer Factor actually improved the efficiency of antioxidants within the body and reduced oxidation at the cellular level by 43%, as well as increasing the stability of proteins throughout our entire body by 18%. An independent laboratory tested over 196 of the world's most effective products and nutrients and TF it was found to be more than 500% more effective than even the closest competitor. Our Research and Development Department then developed Transfer Factor Plus Advanced formula, which increased immune response to 437%. Heralded as the only known substance ever discovered that actually educates your immune system to recognize, respond, and remember impending threats, equaled only by the actual exposure to deadly viruses, bacteria, or vaccinations. TF represents an entirely new class of immune support by providing both suppression and stimulation through instruction.

Obtaining a pure transfer factor isolate is now possible through the perfection of a patented extraction process that has been in the works for years. Unlike herbs like Echinacea or vitamins and minerals, these factors belong to a completely different category of dietary supplementation an innovative and novel category.

4Life Research is the world's first and foremost researcher, developer, and marketer of Transfer Factor and Transfer Factor immune support products, and currently holds hundreds of exclusive use patents on these products and processes from which they are derived. This further secures 4Life's position as the leader in the health and wellness industry, further assuring that their products remain unrivaled for a very long time to come. Science is currently progressing so rapidly because of 4Life Research that more has been learned about transfer factors in the past 7 years than in the previous 50. Transfer factors are entirely safe and 100% non-toxic, with no risk, side effects, or drug interaction.

Researchers at the Conrad D. Stephenson Laboratory for research in Immunology in Denver Colorado, who worked with people with immune weaknesses, have stated, "Transfer Factors appear to offer a novel means of molecular immunotherapy for certain patients with defective cell- mediated immunity."

Imagine an immune system alert enough to rapidly detect the presence of threatening infections and eradicate it before it has a chance to do real harm. Transfer factor can make this scenario possible through its superb ability to develop a strong immune response.

 Eat right, live right and stay healthy.





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