Usage of transfer factors in treatment of HIV-Infected Patients
Granitov V.M., Karbysheva N.V., Sultanov L.V., McCausland C., and Oganova E.
The Altay State Medical University;
The Altay Regional Center for Prophylaxis and Treatment of AIDS, Russian Federation
INTRODUCTION: Included in this study were 25 HIV-infected patients (20 male and 5 female), ages 19 to 56 (15 patients ages 21-25). Individuals were classified according to V.I. Pokrovsky’s classification (1989) for HIV-infection. Eight (8) patients were diagnosed to have stage 2B, thirteen (13) patients were stage 2C, three (3) patients were stage 3A and one (1) was stage 3B. Infection periods were as follows: nine (9) patients were infected 1 year ago, four (4) were 2 years ago, four (4) were three years ago, six (6) were 5 years ago and two (2) were 6 years ago.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to serve as an initial trial in evaluating the effects of enhanced transfer factors supplementation on HIV-infected patients.
METHODOLOGY: The experimental group (15 patients), who did not receive antiretroviral or immuno-correcting therapy, received enhanced transfer factors provided by 4Life Research, USA. They were administered one capsule twice a day for 7 days. The control group (10 patients) consisted of HIV-infected patients taking cycloferon in the following dosage schedule: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14th days. Before treatment and 7 to 10 days after the treatment an evaluation was carried out to access the immune status of the patient groups and to determine cytokine (interleukin 1b (IL-1b), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) and g-interferon (IFN-g) levels.
RESULTS: In the experimental group, it was found that after treatment with enhanced transfer factors there was an increase of lymphocytes in 13 patients, an in crease of CD3 cells in 15 patients, an increase of CD4 cells in 14 patients and an increase in CD8 cells in 12 patients. Immuno-regulating index (IRI) persisted on the same level in 3 patients was increased in 10 patients and decreased in 7 patients. IgG was reduced in 16 patients and IgM was within normal limits in all patients. An increase of IL-1b and IFN-7 was noted in all patients treated with transfer factors. Circulating Immune Complex (CIC) levels dropped to normal levels in 10 of the patients. In the control group an increase of lymphocytes was noted in only 3 patients. A decrease of CD3, CD4 and CD8 cells was noted in 6 patients. IRI persisted on the same level or decreased. CIC levels dropped to normal in 3 patients, increased in 6 patients, there was no change in 1 patient. The occurrence of increases and decreases of IgG were equal.
CONCLUSION: We conclude that transfer factors therapy considerably improves the immune status of HIV-infected patients and can be recommended in combating the pathogenesis of the disease. Further studies are needed to determine optimal therapy, the necessity to repeat courses of the treatment and the frequency of therapy needed.
Disclaimer: The information on this page is provided for educational purposes only. We strongly suggest that you do not construe the information on this site as suggesting that Transfer Factor, Transfer Factor Plus or any other nutrient can prevent or cure a disease. We do not have enough proof to make that claim. If you are ill we strongly suggest that you consult a medical doctor. According to FDA guidelines, there would have to be a great deal more research on these products to know its long-term effect on disease.