Sunday, September 12, 2010

7 Advantages of Making Money On The Internet

Giving the present economic climate many people are turning towards the internet looking for different ways to make extra money. Despite the expansion of the internet marketing most people are skeptical about making money using the internet. Well here are seven advantages of using the internet to make money.

  1. It is a global market. The internet has no boundaries, whether it be territorial or cultural. More and more people are getting to the internet looking for information, shopping and a variety of other reasons 24/7. The internet is definitely the fastest growing market in the world.

  1. It’s mobility, as long as you have an internet connection you can operate your business from any part of the world.

  1. Flexibility, you can work when you want and for as long as you want. You can work at nights and sleep late or even take a week off from work. The internet allows you to do that

  1. It has a low start up cost, most if not all internet businesses will require some sort of initial investment or expenses. However this is low as compared to starting a traditional brick and mortar business.

  1. Leverage technology. In network marketing there is the concept using leverage on other people, so too you can leverage technology by using different software that will help to automate a lot of tasks that would otherwise have taken up too much of your time.

  1. There are minimal overhead costs. Besides an internet connection fee, hosting fee and a couple of other miscellaneous fees. There are no overheads like rent, utility bills, and salaries for employees etc that are associated with offline businesses.

  1. You are the boss. Nobody dictates how many days you work and for how long and how much you make. You determine how much you make, how long you work and how many day off

No doubt the internet arena continues to grow every year with more and more people interested in buying and selling products and services. So given these advantages, if you have an interest in making money on the internet, then make sure that you acquire the necessary marketing training that would allow you to consistently earn money and successfully build an online business.

Attraction Marketing System

Monday, May 17, 2010

Antioxidants And Free Radicals

Recently, you may have read or heard a lot about antioxidants in relation to good health and avoiding diseases. Antioxidants have been getting a great deal of press lately as we look to optimize our health. But what are they? What do they do once inside our bodies? And why are they so important?

Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Health problems such as heart disease, muscular degeneration, diabetes, cancer etc are all contributed by oxidative damage.

Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction, like dominoes. Their chief danger comes from the damage they can do when they react with important cellular components such as DNA, or the cell membrane. Cells may function poorly or die if this occurs. To prevent free radical damage the body has a defense system of antioxidants.

Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence stop this cellular chain reaction of oxidation by neutralizing the free radicals.

Once an antioxidant finds its way into the body, mostly through the foods we eat, it slows down, or even prevents, the oxidation of other molecules. When molecules in the body oxidize, they can create free-radicals, or cellular bi-products. It is very normal to have these free-radicals in the body, but in excess, they can wreak havoc on our cellular structures.

Therefore having 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day will ensure that you get the necessary antioxidants. There are also some modern preparations of antioxidants that can be used to ensure that you get the necessary nutrition that leads to optimum health.